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Trust QA Constructors With Your Asphalt

Residents and businesses throughout the Bay Area of San Francisco CA use asphalt for their driveways, parking lots, roadways, and other paved surfaces. It’s a durable and less expensive option than other materials, and repairing it can be done quickly to restore its condition. QA Constructors has spent years honing our skills and expanding our expertise in asphalt to ensure our services exceed your expectations. We provide our outstanding asphalt services to public and private works projects, and every client benefits from our commitment to quality and integrity. Our goal is to ensure every project gets completed with the best possible results through a thorough and timely process. If your asphalt is showing signs of wear or damage, let us help you restore it.

Workers on Asphalting Road

Asphalt Services to Restore Your Paved Surfaces

QA Constructors understands our clients’ concerns about cost, convenience, and quality when it comes to restoring their asphalt surfaces. We take the time to carefully assess whether your asphalt can be fixed with patching or needs resurfacing. Every recommendation we make puts your pavement’s longevity, appearance, and overall expense into account to ensure the service you get is the most cost-effective and maintains the quality of your surface.

Services to Keep Your Asphalt in Top Condition

We offer both of the following services to keep your asphalt in top condition:


If your asphalt has developed potholes and other damage due to weather, wear, or impact, we offer to patch service to restore its condition and appearance. Keeping your asphalt in good working condition will help you avoid the damage getting even worse or resulting in your car getting a flat tire. We’re available to repair asphalt on driveways, parking lots, roadways, and any other public or private paved surfaces.


Whether your asphalt has sustained substantial damage from use, or it’s outlived its usefulness and needs a new layer, our crew can resurface your driveway, parking lot, or any other paved surface. We have ample experience assessing asphalt to determine whether it needs resurfacing, and we’ll complete it quickly and with high-quality results. Every step of the process gets handled with sharp attention to detail and craftsmanship to ensure a smooth, flawless surface.

Offering Exceptional Work in San Francisco, CA

Don’t let your asphalt crumble and fail from weather or wear. If your driveway, parking lot, roadway, or other surface has developed potholes and other damage, QA Constructors will gladly perform the necessary repairs to restore the condition. Whether you need simple patching, or it’s time to resurface your paved areas, contact us today with any questions, and schedule professional service for your asphalt.

Contact QA Constructors to Start Your Project