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Beautiful Asphalt Resurfacing From QA Constructors

Regular maintenance of your paved surfaces will help you save money and prevent wear and damage from destroying them. QA Constructors helps clients throughout the Bay Area of San Francisco, CA preserve their driveways, parking lots, roadways, and other features with asphalt resurfacing. When our professionals perform this service, you can extend the life of your pavement and avoid having to replace it early. Your asphalt is a cost-effective investment that can last you for decades if you take care of it. We approach every public and private works project with a commitment to quality and integrity, so you can trust us to restore your asphalt.


Resurfacing Comes With Many Benefits

QA Constructors can help you extend your asphalt surface’s lifespan and save you from having to replace it early. Some of the benefits of resurfacing your driveway, parking lot, or other asphalt surfaces include the following:

Lengthen Your Asphalt’s Lifespan

An asphalt driveway can last up to 30 years when it’s properly installed and maintained. However, if you don’t stay on top of resurfacing, seal coating, and other maintenance services, your asphalt’s lifespan will be significantly shorter.

Enhance Your Property’s Curb Appeal

Driveways and parking lots are among the most visible features of homes and businesses, and they’re one of the first features your neighbors and customers notice. Resurfacing restores the condition and appearance of your asphalt surfaces, which gives your property greater curb appeal.

Prevent Patching Problems

While patching is an effective method of resolving cracks and other minor damage, it can become problematic when it’s done too often. To help your driveway or parking lot maintain its structural integrity, you can fix cracks and other widespread issues and avoid over-patching with resurfacing.

Save Money

It will cost you a lot less to hire a professional to resurface your asphalt than if you have to replace it early. Resurfacing allows you to keep your asphalt in good working condition a lot longer, and that saves you money as time passes.

Prevent Over-Sealing Your Asphalt

Seal coating is an asphalt maintenance task that helps to protect it from water, oil, and ultraviolet (UV) rays. However, doing it too often can lead to cracks in the surface. With resurfacing, you get a new layer of asphalt for a strong surface that will withstand sealing and resist cracks.

Leave Your Asphalt to the Professionals

With professional repairs and maintenance from the crew at QA Constructors, you can enjoy beautiful asphalt surfaces at your home or business. We’ll help you keep your driveway, parking lot, or roadways in top condition longer and increase your property’s curb appeal. Contact us today if you need asphalt repair or maintenance.

Contact QA Constructors to Start Your Project