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Protect Your Paved Surfaces With Seal Coating

As seasoned asphalt specialists in San Francisco, CA’s Bay Area, QA Constructors understands the value of regular maintenance for your paved surfaces. Seal coating is an essential part of maintaining your asphalt because it protects your surface from the elements and extends its life. Our crew performs seal coating for paved asphalt surfaces quickly and efficiently to ensure your driveway, parking lot, and other asphalt features maintain their beautiful black appearance and stand up to the sun, rain, and traffic. With our commitment to quality and integrity on every project, you can always count on us to complete your asphalt maintenance with the best possible results.


The Perks of Asphalt Maintenance

QA Constructors proudly offers seal coating to help you preserve your asphalt surfaces, from driveways to tennis courts to parking lots. This simple maintenance method provides various benefits to your asphalt investment, including the following:

Enhance Asphalt’s Appearance

Your asphalt fades over time due to exposure to the elements. While it doesn’t significantly damage the material, many homeowners and business owners don’t like the look of it. Seal coating helps asphalt maintain its rich, dark appearance for longer, instead of looking like dusty concrete.

Extend Its Longevity

While asphalt is a durable material that lasts for years, it still has a limited lifespan. Exposure to weather and vehicular activities can make it wear more quickly. When we properly apply seal coating, it protects the asphalt from damage over time and lengthens its lifespan.

Lessen Sun and Moisture Damage

The sun will crack and fade your asphalt over time, and moisture can work its way into the material and cause damage—especially if it freezes and expands. Instead of letting the sun and water break down your asphalt, seal coating protects it from these elements to help it stay in top condition.

Save Money Over Time

With the protection that seal coating provides to your asphalt, you have less chance of having to make extensive repairs or replace it. The cost of regularly seal coating your driveway, parking lot, and other surfaces is far less compared to fixing the avoidable damage.

Contact Us in the San Francisco, CA Bay Area

Make sure your asphalt stays beautiful and protected from the elements with seal coating from QA Constructors. Our team of paving specialists has years of experience preserving driveways, parking lots, and other surfaces with this essential maintenance service. Give us a call today to schedule seal coating in the Bay Area.

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